
Sep 18, 2017

Happy Birthday, Grandpa

We had the kids over tonight (except Prima Donna who couldn't come home from school) as well as Lil Sis and her family for a birthday party for Grandpa. He turned 82 on Friday.

My sweetie and Drama Queen had the food ready so we could eat right after church and by 4:45, everyone was here. After a nice Italian dinner of baked pasta, spaghetti and meatballs, and fresh fruit, we shared German chocolate cake and a half dozen flavors of Turkey Hill ice cream.

Grandpa opened his gifts and the guys turned on the Broncos vs. Cowboys football game. Some of the kids played games and others drifted off to their own homes. Crafty was working on a lesson for her preschool class and she set up a fun game and an art lesson for the kids. They had a great time making bubble pictures!

My sweetie is going back to work tomorrow after being off all last week. I need to get my life under control and figure out how to juggle all the balls I already have in the air. Some days I'm just so tired. I'm so grateful for Drama Queen's helping hands.

1 comment:

  1. Loved reading about our celebraton for Grandpa. Happy 82nd Birthday to him. The menu and birthday cake is one of my favorites.
    I don't know how you handle it all but I am happy you have your children that can help you. Remember you just had surgery not long ago. I assume your tiredness is from your on going recovery. Surgery takes a lot out of us.
    Blessings for you and hugs for all!
