
Aug 29, 2017

Wolf-ems for FHE

When we were packing the van to go to Idaho last week, it seemed like we just didn't have enough room, so I had Drama Queen help me unload everything so we could start over. I was surprised to find a couple of extra bags that I wasn't expecting.

One of them was the tent, which I reminded the Dog Walker that we didn't need to take with us. The other was full of the wolf-em sticks and gobs of fixing. When I told the Dog Walker we wouldn't be able to build a fire in Idaho, he got rather upset with me so I promised him that the first Monday night back he could make and share his wolf-em's and s'mores with the family.

Tonight was the night. He picked up his cute girlfriend, the Cat Lover, and they went to Seven Peaks Water Park and then came back to the house for pizza and a firepit. Grandpa shared a lesson on writing our own personal histories, and then the Dog Walker brought out his stash of stuff for his favorite treats.

We set aside the s'mores stuff for another time, and we got to work on the wolf-em's. The sticks have a wooden tip where biscuit dough is stretched and cooked over the fire and then we filled them with chocolate pudding, cherry pie filling, Nutella, whipped cream, and a bunch of other delicious and unhealthy stuff.

We had a great time, visiting and munching away. Thanks, Dog Walker!


  1. You can make wolf'ems without the sticks in your home. You can even make them in the oven. How? By using cupcake pans upside down.

  2. Yum! I've never heard of wolf'ems before, sounds super tasty though!

  3. Wow, this sounded so yummy! You must send me the directions on this one for when we have grandkids over. You do such fun things. I liked the idea for the FHE lesson too. Love and hugs for all!
