
Aug 5, 2017

Preparing for the Eclipse 2017

I'm sure by now you have heard about the eclipse that will be passing over part of the United States. We were going to look at it from here in Utah, but the kids all wanted to go to Idaho so they could see it at 100%. As you can guess, all of the hotels are pretty much booked. Just for fun I got on Hotwire and found a room at La Quinta for $925.00!! That's way out of our price range.

Then the kids remembered that my sweetie has an aunt and uncle who live near Rexburg and they begged until I agreed to ask them if we could camp in their backyard. My sweetie was certain that they would say their own kids are coming and they would not have space for us, but his sweet aunt replied, "The more, the merrier!"

So now we are planning on a trip to Idaho for some of us. Sadly, not everyone can come because of work and other commitments.

Since we didn't really have a vacation, we are going to go up for most of the weekend. We are expecting thousands of people to be there, so we are going to take our own food and plan to spend most of our time visiting rather than seeing sights.

The kids are super-excited and my sweetie already bought everyone a pair of special glasses. Don't worry, we will make sure to tell you all about it! Hopefully you can see at least a part of it wherever you are.

1 comment:

  1. I love that you found a place to go and view this great event. We have a son in Idaho Falls and one in Sugar City so we could go there. However, we are still on our mission so that's not going to happen. We will just try to see it from here. I will look forward to your post on this adventure.
    Love and hugs!
