
Aug 3, 2017

Getting Ready to Backpack

I got my stitches out today and the doc says my back is healing well. My sweetie took me to the appointment and after that we ran by Recreation Outfitter to try to find some stuff for Sport. He and his scout troop are going on a backpacking adventure this weekend. Normally he would just say he has football so he can't go, but this time he surprised us.

No one has used the frame backpack since the Dog Walker finished up his Backpacking merit badge almost 6 years ago. Thankfully it is still in good shape. Unfortunately, we had to buy nearly everything else including a small tent.

When the Dog Walker did his backpacking trips, he was 17. Sport is only 14, so we are even more concerned about the weight of the pack. He is also a picky eater, so stocking it with all of the food he would need for 3 days was even trickier.

It was about 11:00 when we finally filled his water bottles, adjusted his straps, snapped everything up (forgot to take a picture), and sent him off to bed. He has to be at the church at 7:00 AM so I wanted him to get a little sleep. That goes for me too. I don't know why I'm always tired. I guess it just takes a while for the body to heal.

1 comment:

  1. I am so happy to hear that your back is healing well. I can tell you really don't slow down much. As for the sleep thing; how much sleep do you normally get?? I doubt enough so that is a reason to be tired.
    His backpack and all, look perfect! I will look forward to learning how the trip went for him.
    Blessings and hugs~
