
Aug 13, 2017

Fun and Run

I don't know what I'd do without my sweetie to take care of me. He got up early and did all the chasing for weigh-ins and practices. I didn't manage to drag out of bed until about 9:30.

Not to worry, there were still plenty of things to do. Sport had practice and then a pool party with his football team and then he went out to Daybreak to do the same service as Crafty did yesterday except that she had a friend's birthday party at 1:00, so she didn't get out there until about 5:30.

Noah had a football party as well and his was clear over in Murray, so it was quite a drive, but he also took cupcakes for the entire team since today was his birthday. Crafty made them this morning, but I still had to make his birthday cake and then frost all the cupcakes.

My sweetie picked up Crafty and ran her out to Daybreak after he did all the shopping with Scout. After a quick dinner, we made the rounds and picked up all the kids. When we got to Daybreak, they still had about 15 minutes left for the kids to do their activities before Crafty and Sport cleaned up the city booth for their annual Fizz Festival.

Then we all piled in the car and drove down to Lindon for peach cobbler and fireworks with my sweetie's brother and his family. They gave us a tour of his amazing woodshop. Mike was so cute with the kids. He gave them each a pocketknife and a block of wood so they could practice.  It was so fun to visit, but we didn't get home until about 11:00. 

Tomorrow is another big day. We have a big family party for Curly. I can't hardly believe my baby boy is 9.

1 comment:

  1. How to do you pack so much into one day! It looked like an amazingly fun day too. I do enjoy our daily entries. Blessings and hugs!
