
Aug 15, 2017

Brigadoon at the Scera

Last month we made sure to swing by the Scera and pick up our free tickets for Brigadoon with our Pass of All Passes. It has been running for most of August and it ends this coming Saturday, but we just haven't been able to get everyone together to go.

Off on another fun adventure!
So yesterday at Curly's party I put out a general announcement and tonight 9 of us managed to get down to Utah County to see it. The Scera Outdoor theater is fun because it is on a grassy slope. There are chairs available and Grandpa rented 2 of them, one for him and one for me, but then Baby Doll was so excited about sitting in one of the chairs that I ended up on the blanket with Drama Queen and Crafty.

Which was fine until she decided to join us and poor Grandpa had to enjoy the show by himself. (There was no way I was getting up off the grass once I was down until the show was over!)  Princess and The Frog joined us as did the Dog Walker and his cute girlfriend, Cat Lover. It's so fun watching him try to figure out romance. At one point he whispered back to me rather loudly, "She kissed my elbow!!!"

Trying not to laugh, I suggested he kiss her back. As of yet he has not managed to get up the nerve to kiss her although last date she kissed him on the cheek, so that's progress.

The show was good, but long for my Baby Doll who has school in the morning. Thankfully she was able to sleep all the way home. Football makes it so hard to get the family together for anything but a Sunday, but we are trying to do the best we can. I hate to waste all those perfectly good tickets. Maybe Bossy can manage to pull together a group to go again on Saturday.

1 comment:

  1. This sounds like such a fun thing to do. It's been a while since we have been to an outdoor play like this one. I do hope you get to use all the tickets. I am happy you could go but I would think the chair would have been more comfortable.
    I love Dog Walker's budding romance. They sound like a cute couple.
    Loved this one! Hugs~
