
Aug 26, 2017

Bingham vs. East

We had our swim party today. It is the first time I have been in the water in a long time. Honestly, it wore me out, but it was fun.

After we got home and picked up the kids from football practice, the three youngest all wanted to go to the high school football game. It was Bingham vs. East and supposed to be a huge rivalry game. I was hoping my sweetie might be willing to take them since I was already dragging, but he still had work to do.

Curly in particular, was devastated. He was certain his entire team would be there! I finally relented and ran him to the school. This started an amazing chain reaction, but to make matters short, after several more trips to the school, Bossy and her two boys, Scout, Baby Doll, Sport, and Crafty all joined him at the game.

We watched it here on TV while I worked on Little Warrior's quilt. They had so much fun! There were booths with games and free Powerade. They won a couple of shirts, some sunglasses, and other treats.

When the game was finally over and Bingham was once again victorious, Bossy and the kids helped clean the bleachers before Drama Queen ran over to pick them up. I love that my kids are service-oriented. I just wish they could learn how to do that at home...

1 comment:

  1. Wow, that is awesome that they got to go to the game. I love that they cleaned up the bleachers afterwards; awesome! My hubby wanted to go to that game so bad; maybe in the futre. We did watch a touch of it on TV.
    Blessings and hugs~
