
Aug 11, 2017

Baby Shower for Beauty

Today was a crazy, busy day with Drama Queen doing most of the work while I held a fussy Twizlet. She has an ear infection and the only thing that seemed to make her happy was eating. She thinks she is much older than her almost 6 months and she was thrilled to chew on this pizza crust and mug for the camera.

But I digress...

Princess showed up early and made dozens of cupcakes, enough, in fact, that I can use the leftovers for Curly's friend birthday party tomorrow. Drama Queen made a bunch of cute games, the rest of the food, and her most amazing contribution which was a book that she wrote personalized with the baby's name about a cute little prince on a special adventure. Then she illustrated it on her computer, printed it on cardstock, and used it as a coloring activity at the party. Afterwards she put it in sheet protectors and a binder.

The party was continually hopping for all 3 hours. So much so that I forgot to take any pictures for you. I know, I'm sorry....

I did take a few before and after. This is the food table. Notice that cute cheeseball that Sport shaped into a hedgehog. It tasted great too! That guy has some skills.

This game had balloons tacked to it with kisses in them. The guests could throw darts to see if them might win a bit of chocolate. Beauty came over and drew all the pictures the night before. She is definitely talented and beautiful!

I did take one pic during the party and that was the Dog Walker with his cute girlfriend now known as the Cat Lover. They went to the zoo this morning and then came over to the shower. This is their 11th date if you are counting.

1 comment:

  1. One of the things that I admire about our family is how you all pitch in to put together your family activities. You also have such creative children; I am just so impressed.
    I think Dog Walker and Cat Lover are a cute couple.
    Blessings and hugs!
