
Jul 7, 2017

Summer Reading 2017

I usually take a minute to post about the Summer Reading programs going on in the valley and we just submitted our first one and that reminded me. (My life is a bit more chaotic than usual right now.)

Free Bees tickets.... YES!!
My favorite program has always been the ones done by the County Libraries here in Salt Lake. They run the entire summer and generally culminate in getting to choose a free book. This year they are also forgiving $5 in fines for anyone who signs up and that's another great thing; anyone can sign up! Just stop by one of the libraries and pick up a reading form.

Always love the free books!
You know I love baseball, so Read Today is definitely right up there with my favorites. They team up with the Bees, our Triple A ball club here in the valley and not only do you earn a free book, but you also get tickets to a Bees game! The only drawbacks are that kids have to be between the ages of 5 - 14, but they each earn 2 tickets so we can all get in with our 4 that participate. Just download the form from Read Today, read 20 minutes for each day and take a pic of your kids and upload it into the system. It ends on July 31, so you better get busy.

 NEED that McDonald's kids meal!
Barnes & Noble always does a great job by giving away a choice of selected free books to each child. Unfortunately, this year they have limited it to elementary grades only. You can pick up the forms in the store or download them here and print them. When you are finished, simply take them back to the store and pick up your free book.

I'm just happy with the color-changing pencil...
Our Utah State Fair has always done a great job promoting reading! It is an easy way to get kids into the fair for free, but you must have your form postmarked by July 27. We found out the hard way that a couple of days late and they issue a "sorry" letter. You can find all the info and rules here.

These are our favorites, but we are always looking for new ones. Please comment if you know of anything else. Happy Reading!!

1 comment:

  1. I really love that they have reading programs out there for children during the summer. I love to read and it is so imoratnt to instill that in children. I admire all you do in this area. Blessing and hugs!
