
Jun 15, 2017

Three Sports in One Day

Last night I was all excited to come home and write an amazing post for you! I had been to the Leader Appreciation Dinner after Curly's baseball game so it was pretty late when I finally walked into the office. Something was different.

At first I thought someone had blown the circuit and my computer had just been shutdown. But when I pushed the button to turn it back on, nothing happened. My sweetie was consoling, but not surprised. When I called Bossy, she said, "Mom, your computer is 12 years old..." Yeah, that's more than a decade... Technology has changed a bit.

My problem is that I'm running xp. I know, totally archaic, but I like it. So my sweetie got online and ordered me a new power supply, but if that doesn't work, I'm afraid I will be forced into an upgrade.

Now, to share a bit of the post I had intended to write.

Here is my amazing Curly. He started Tuesday morning with 6 hours of soccer camp. Then he changed his uniform and played baseball for 2 hours (he was excited to catch for the first time ever this week). Then after a quick supper, he went with me to play basketball.

Oh for the days when my body was young enough to handle 3 sports all in the same day... I got tired just watching him play 3 sports all in the same day...

1 comment:

  1. Oh my gosh, how does that boy of your keep going. I admire that Curly! Big hugs for him~
    Hugs for you for watching him!!
