
Jun 23, 2017

My Hanging Basket from CommercialSilk

I'm pretty sure it's a well-known fact that I kill plants. Not intentionally, of course, I just can't ever get the water right; it's either not enough or way too much. The kids laugh at me every time I buy a poinsettia at Christmas because they know it will be a miracle if it makes it to the end of December.

About 10 years ago I convinced my sweetie that I was changing my ways and I could handle real flowers, so he put up a bunch of porch hooks and bought me some beautiful hanging baskets full of petunias. The first one started dying just over a week later, and it wasn't long before they all looked like ridiculous pots of dirt swaying in the breeze.

Of course I took them down, but the hooks have remained as a testament to my failure.

That's why I was so excited when CommercialSilk contacted me about a product review. I hopped online and immediately started looking for the hanging baskets. We found one we liked and it took about 10 days for it to arrive.

Drama Queen opened the box for me and hung it on one of the porch hooks without adjusting a single branch. A blossom or two remained in the box, but I couldn't even tell they had fallen, and we have had it up for about 10 days now through a windstorm and a light rain and it still looks as great as ever.

This morning when I was taking pictures of it for this post, Baby Doll wanted to know what I was doing. When I told her it was for a blog post, she seemed confused, then she asked, "You mean they aren't real?"

**I received this hanging basket for free in exchange for my honest review.**

1 comment:

  1. I LOL on Baby Dolls comment. I don't have a green thumb either. My Mother's day plants always die. I am impressed with this one. Keep us updated on how it is doing!! Blessings and hugs!
