
Jun 18, 2017

Girl Scout Lagoon Day

My girls were so excited for Lagoon Day to finally be here! Me, not so much.

We left the house at 8:30 AM so the girls could be there in time to check in and for the awards ceremony. Baby Doll and Scout as well as my sweetie and I all got in free because each girl sold over 1000 boxes of cookies this year. (If you don't live in Utah, Lagoon is a large amusement park and the cost of tickets is about $50 each.) Their passes also included lunch and ice cream, so it was a pretty big deal.

Waiting in line... there were lots of long lines since it was Saturday.
On the Skyride.
After they were presented their certificates and we took pictures, we had lunch. Prima Donna had also joined our little adventure and the girls were excited to head off into the park. Just before 1:00, I got the call from Drama Queen that she had Curly, Crafty, and Sport and they were waiting for me in the parking lot. Yeah, we decided to make it a fun and exciting day for everyone.

We won a giant banana-monkey by tossing ping-pong balls.
Usually Sport and Crafty had a ton of fun riding together.
But not always.
Prima Donna had invited me to ride the JetStar with her first thing, so I did. From then on, my stomach just didn't want to settle down. Even when Drama Queen brought me some Dramamine, I was still unhappy. I rode a few rides with the kids and thoroughly enjoyed Rattlesnake Rapids, especially when my sweetie, Drama Queen, and Prima Donna were all doused in cold water! I got a little wet, but not too bad.

We always have to have a least one trip around the carousel.
 Time at the park stretched all day and then into the evening. Prima Donna had some friends in the musical theatre show there so I sat with her and watched it, but it was so loud... I really am getting old.

Stopping for a few minutes for dinner.
Family train ride!
 The kids were diehards, especially Baby Doll and Scout, and we stayed until 11:00 when the park closed. It took us an hour to get home, but I stayed up until about 1:30 AM when Drama Queen finally pulled in. She had gone the rest of the way to Ogden with Prima Donna to bring home a bunch of her things. Prima Donna got a job at Trefoil, one of the Girl Scout camps here in Utah and she starts tomorrow. It will definitely be a fun summer adventure for her, living in the mountains and working with girls. She can hardly wait to begin.

I really did have fun, see?

1 comment:

  1. Oh my gosh, I don't think I could have lasted the whole entire day. Of course, I'm old. It does look like you all had a great time. Sorry, that the ride made you a little sick. I really am not a fan of very many of the rides. I'm not too much fun at going to Lagoon.
    I am happy it was a family affair even though it was a scouting one. It is amazing how many cookies they all sold.
    Blessings and hugs for all!
