
Jun 21, 2017

Father's Day 2017

I know I'm a bit late with this post, but when I went through my phone looking for a pic of me and my dad, I realized I didn't have a decent one of just the two of us so I fixed that.

On Sunday we had a big family party. We tried to make it much bigger, but most of my brothers and sisters are actually out of town so only one of my sisters and her cute daughter and family joined us for our typical Sunday family party. That made about 33 of us or so, but who is counting?

We served Grandpa's favorite meal, spaghetti and meatballs, and my sweetie's favorite, German Chocolate cake for dessert. I must confess that Drama Queen did pretty much all the cooking, and it was fabulous!

At one point during the party, I handed Baby Doll my phone and said, "Go take some pictures." She is so funny, but she took me very seriously and for the most part, we got some pretty cute shots, but I will let you be the judge.

Sorry, Sweetie, next year will be different... you can pick the main course!

1 comment:

  1. It does look like a fabulous Father's day celebration. Loved the menu and that German Chocolate Cake again; my favorite! We had 39 total for our Father's Day moment! It was a mad house moment! Hug for all~
