
Jun 1, 2017

A Bit Disappointed

I've been waiting for the video from our play to upload to YouTube so I can post it for you. The Dog Walker had it all ready to go, but as we started watching it, we noticed that the first 10 seconds we up and down and then the camera angle changed so the entire thing is sideways except for those first 10 seconds!:(

The Dog Walker was pretty devastated since it took all night to upload, but he has fixed it and started a new upload, so I guess you will get to see it tomorrow. Unfortunately, that leaves me with a brain stupor because I hadn't really planned a different post for today.

My brother came in from Iowa last night and we talked until the early hours of the morning. I haven't seen him for a while, so it was good to spend some time together. We also had two ballgames. Baby Doll had a great last season game, but my sweetie was treated to that one so I don't have any pics. She does have a tournament still, so it's not quite over.

I finally got some pics of Sport's game. I have seen a bunch of them, just not thought to take any pictures. He walked at this at-bat. His team is #1 in their league and playing so well. I wish he got a little more game time, but he seems happy with it. In these leagues, everyone bats even if they warm the bench. Sport was just happy not to get hit by this pitcher. He was a bit wild and hit 4 boys during the two innings he pitched.

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