
May 30, 2017

Memorial Day 2017

On Saturday we spent the day with my sweetie's family, so today it was time to visit with mine. My little brother has a get-together at one of the cemeteries every year to help us learn more about our ancestors. This year we all met in Nephi.

After half an hour or so of learning about my several greats back grandmother, we ate donuts and visited some of the graves. This is the first year Grandpa's brother and his wife have been able to join us and it was so fun to catch up a bit with them.

Grandpa always does a great job showing the kids each grave and reminding us how they are related. I love that this holiday is all about family and reconnecting.

1 comment:

  1. That is a fantastic tradition. I feel very strongly about sharing our ancestors stories with our children. I think it is awesome to do that at the grave site. Blessing and hugs for this one!
