
May 14, 2017

Master Builder

Today was the Scout-o-Rama here in the Salt Lake Valley. Remember when the boys were out selling tickets?

They had something new this year... a Lego-building contest! My boys were excited at first, but life got in the way and they didn't get a chance to build their masterpieces. Instead, Sport gathered his beloved temple he created and hauled it to the Expo Center.

We were so proud and excited to have him win 1st place in his age group! Afterward, he returned to his seat and Bossy brought his temple back to him. He set it carefully on one of the chairs while we waited for the final awards to be given. (Chips won 3rd place with his creation and Curly won in the random drawing.)

Things were wrapping up and Bossy's family took off to get Fajita to work. I'm not sure how, but Sport bumped the chair from the front just when a lady walking by accidentally caught it from the back and suddenly the temple crashed to the floor and broke into hundreds of pieces.

Sport was devastated and embarrassed, of course. I quickly grabbed an empty box from a nearby vendor and we started to gather it up. Several concerned scouts picked up pieces and murmured their condolences. It was a rough parenting moment. I had encouraged his participation and he had received his reward only to lose all of his hard work.

Fortunately, by the time we were halfway home, he was smiling and making plans for his next big project. He might even consider bringing it in next year...

1 comment:

  1. Always love to read about your children's achievements. So sorry about Sport's temple getting broken. So happy he got 1st place for it for it. Children are so resilient! Hugs for them all~
