
May 5, 2017

Guest Blog: Happy Cinco de Mayo! by Drama Queen

Happy Cinco de Mayo, everyone! A long time ago, probably for a scouts activity, our family first started celebrating Cinco de Mayo - mainly as an excuse to eat some good Mexican food. But we usually remember to take a few minutes over dinner to talk about the history and remind each other of our duties as citizens to protect each other and stand up for what is right. (It could be an excuse to watch Newsies again, I suppose...but that'd be a bit of a stretch...even for Dog Walker.) Well, once Bossy married Gamer, (whose birthday falls this week too), we tended to blend the two days together into one large fiesta.  

A fiesta didn't look like would happen this year!  

Holy guacamole, Gamer doesn't want chicken chimis at his birthday party!  

Well, this past Monday, I was mourning this fact when Mama said "Hey, want to be in charge of dinner?  I've got some hamburger, but only a few tortillas. Could we make some kind of enchilada with that?"

Could Drama Queen make dinner out of that? But of course! Oh, but what dear Mama didn't remember was that when Drama Queen is stressed about work or whatever, she throws herself into unnecessary projects like organizing the crayon boxes or color-coding her closet. And so when I presented dinner that night there were some tasty beef enchiladas and churro-inspired rice krispie treats.  

But then..on Tuesday? Mama came home from running the ballgames to find she had nachos being served with homemade flan. (Mama by now had caught on to the fact that I was sneaking in a dessert every day, but I think she was letting it by since I was gladly cooking.)  

Wednesday saw a wonderfully fragrant chili verde that had simmered in the slow cooker all day. But that beautiful pork, sadly, got a little shown up by its flashy dessert cousin, homemade churros with chocolate dipping sauce. I'm not honestly sure how many I ended up making, but I think it was probably about 100 four-inch churros all of which were snarfed up by bedtime.  

Tonight we had a smorgasbord of the left-overs and cold, sweet Orange Julius..the brain-dead Drama Queen's answer for family-friendly margaritas. 

Wish me luck because tomorrow I'm gonna try to make Bossy's tamale recipe, but I'll need a dessert too.  ....What do you think, bloggersphere, dare I try fried ice cream too?


  1. Wow, you did a great job with providing some awesome meals. I know how much that helped your dear mother. Ways to go girl! Blessiings and hugs for you~
