
Apr 9, 2017

Storm's of Life

Yesterday it rained all morning so all the ball games were cancelled, but the kids still had their dance competition in Taylorsville. After they were finished, we piled into the van around 2:00 and headed to Sanpete County for our niece's wedding.

It was held at the Moroni Opera House. My SIL did a great job making the place beautiful. The kids shared their vows and when they were finished, they moved all the tables in and we enjoyed a nice dinner. I, of course, had to find a sweet baby to hold for a while since Teach and Twiz weren't able to come.

I'm no good at taking selfies...

This one belongs to another niece and is slightly older than Twizlet, but way cute and snuggly. After that we traveled to my MIL's house where my sweetie installed some railings for her so she could get more easily on and off her front porch. He ran into trouble and the task took much longer than expected. We didn't get on the road until about 9:00 pm.

The first 30 minutes of the drive were uneventful. In fact, I didn't believe him when he said he could see snowflakes. Thirty minutes later, we were in Spanish Fork Canyon and one of the worst snowstorms I can remember. The winds were so high it was difficult to stay on the road and the snow that was really more like tiny ice pellets slammed against our van from all sides. I was glad the kids slept through it.

I sort of wish I had slept through it...

In some weird way, my sweetie and I were facing these crazy storms of life for just a few minutes together and it all seemed rather symbolic. By the time we left the canyon and headed into Spanish Fork the storm was calming down and by Provo it had largely disappeared.

Just like the storms of life.


  1. The Wedding looked lovely and I love that your hubby is so good to his Mom. I heard that the storm was really bad for so many. I am happy you made it through it and that the children slept through it. It is rather symbolic of life. Blessings and hugs!

  2. Congratulations to your niece! That sounded like a crazy snowstorm! Is it usual to get them in April?

  3. It's not uncommon to get them in April and even into May.
