
Apr 13, 2017

Looking Beautiful

Yesterday Scout and I spent nearly 4 hours at SuperCuts color class getting our hair done. It was so fun at first. But then she was finished with her all-over color and she became pretty impatient waiting. Next time maybe she will remember to bring a book with her. It just takes a while to make me look good...

Today was our first full day watching Twizlet. I was up late with a sewing contract I had to finish, so Crafty took care of our sweet girl this morning. I had my turn this afternoon. We even took a short nap together.

Baby Doll just loves playing with her. It will be so fun for the two of them when they are a bit older.


1 comment:

  1. Oh, what a fun adventure with your daughter. I love that you both got your hair done together; that's the best. The baby is so adorable being held by your Baby Doll. I love the one of you taking a nap; I know you needed one. Blessings and hugs~
