
Apr 2, 2017

Learning a New Skill

This weekend is General Conference for our church which basically means we get two days of 8 full hours when we can listen to our highest level of leadership speak to us on TV and satellite. Last Saturday the women got 2 extra hours and this Saturday the men got their 2 extra hours.

I love General Conference weekends because they happen twice a year, once in April and once in October; both times when it just feels like change is in the air. When I was a little girl, I would spend my conference hours in front of the TV or in my room listening to my crackly apple-shaped radio tuned to KMTI, but one thing was certain, I was always working on a craft of some sort.

My favorite was embroidery and I was actually really good at it. Sadly, none of my girls have been very interested in this somewhat dated skill.

Until today...

Scout and Baby Doll both received craft boxes for Christmas and during the afternoon session, they brought them to me and asked for a little help. We decided applique would be the easiest stitch to learn first, so they each laid out a pattern and then got busy.

As you can see from this cute pic, Scout totally finished hers, and Baby Doll was amazingly persistent. Whenever she made a stitch that didn't quite measure up, she would quickly pull it back out. She just may have pulled out more than she put in...

Maybe tomorrow I can teach them an outline stitch... we still have 4 more hours of conference.

1 comment:

  1. I too love conference. We had the Sisters over for the Saturday session which was fun. We spent today in the hospital with our dear Granddaughter in law who hemorrhaged for the third time. She was transferred to IMC for a procedure to stop the bleeding. I did get to hold my new little Great Granddaughter during the day which was sweet. We didn't get to watch much conference but we will later.
    I love what the girls worked on. It looks like they are learning well. I hope today's activity went well. Blessings and hugs~
