
Mar 13, 2017

Visiting Grandma

On Sunday we decided to break with tradition and we loaded all the kids in the big van (all dressed for church) and headed to Grandma's house. It wasn't "over the river and through the woods," but it was still a pretty far drive for kids in their Sunday best.

We arrived at Grandma's church about 10 minutes before the meeting started and she was just getting out of her car. At 12:57 we were all sitting on a middle pew waiting for the meeting to begin. Teach and Twiz had driven down separately, but they arrived just in time to pass Twizlet to her great-grandma before the opening hymn.

We stayed for all 3 meetings, which was rather stressful for our children, but good for them at the same time. Sort of like eating asparagus...

After church we headed back to Grandma's house where we helped her with a few things and my sweetie made a nice dinner. After sharing food and laughter, we cleaned up, packed all the extra food into small containers in Grandma's freezer, and climbed back in the van.

We were home before 9:00 pm, which was good because the kids still had homework and other responsibilities, but I wanted to share some of these pics with you. Hope you all have a happy Monday!

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