
Mar 22, 2017


My head is spinning with all the new schedule changes. We actually missed one of Curly's baseball practices because I didn't log onto the Facebook page. You saw that the Dog Walker has begun his field assignment. He is working in a 6th grade classroom and all seems to be going well. We just need to make sure he gets everything done there and then focus on wrapping up the semester.

We got Crafty all registered for a few summer classes. She wants to earn her Associates while she is in high school, so it will mean some extra work. She is a super busy girl lately.

Teach is almost ready to go back to work, so that means I get to watch Twizlet while Twiz is working. Do you know that baby girl is one month old today? Time just flies by...

One last thing, I am really impressed with the Fitbit company! The Dog Walker just started having trouble getting his Charge 2 to work that he received for Christmas. We emailed the company and sent them these two pics and a few diagnostics later and his new Fitbit is on its way. It didn't cost us anything! Not even shipping!

1 comment:

  1. As always you do have busy involved children; which is awesome. I am amazed how they are all high achievers. Now the question is how are you going to fit in babysitting that sweet new grandbaby?? I do know you will enjoy the moments on this one! Hugs~
