
Mar 27, 2017

Shower for Savannah

Today all the girls (except Prima Donna, Bossy and Fajita) rode down to Utah County for a bridal shower for my cute niece. She is getting married on April 8 and we are pretty excited for her.

Baby Doll was so happy to be included in the grownup festivities she could hardly sit still. My sister-in-law throws a fantastic party with tons of amazing food. The younger girls were stunned when they realized that as long as they weren't sitting by me, they would be allowed back to the desserts as many times as they wished.

Twizlet was the hit of the party, of course, and they just loved passing her around. She endured it all with mostly good spirits. This coming week is spring break for Teach and then she goes back to teaching full time. My kids are all off track now and we are trying to get things in order so we don't waste all that time together.

I always have these great and grand plans. Sometimes they work!

Sometimes they don't.

1 comment:

  1. The party looked like a great one! I am sure it was fun showing off that sweet new baby of yours. I got my 5th Great Granddaughter on Friday; which was fun. Blessings and hugs~
