
Mar 12, 2017

Ready for Spring

Such beautiful weather in Utah!! I even convinced the little girls to clean up the backyard... sort of. It still needs a lot of work, but we are almost to the point of putting the patio furniture back outside. My neighbors were out mowing and cleaning, all that sort of stuff. That made me feel a bit guilty.

The boys and the grandsons had baseball tryouts this morning. I think they could have easily had them outside rather than at the high school gym, but I guess when they scheduled things they just didn't know it would be so nice outside.

We delivered more cookies and I spent a healthy amount of time helping the Dog Walker with his homework. He seriously suffers with time management. Drama Queen took the kids over to help rip out the old carpet in her new house. Then when they got back we drove down to American Fork to see Moana.

We sent the kids upstairs right after we got home since tonight is Daylight Savings Time. The Dog Walker came in the office and changed my clock about 11:30. When I glanced at it I was terribly confused for a minute...

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