
Feb 4, 2017

Groundhog Day

Guess what we did on Groundhog Day! Besides my Cub Scout den meeting and a host of other activities... we went "around the world in 80 minutes." Our PTA did a program called STEAM. You probably already know what STEM is (Science, Technology, Engineering, Mathematics), but if you put the A in the middle, it can also include the Arts.

I love that.

I know we have to focus on all of those areas of technology, but I love the arts, especially reading and literature. I have never been to one of these programs with so many different things involved. The whole thing only lasted 80 minutes, but they had 12 different stations where the kids could do activities, build pyramids and towers, race cars, try animation, and a host of other things.

Curly loved playing with the Tesla balls, Scout didn't really care about the activities as much as she wanted to make sure she got every single sticker. And Baby Doll was having a rough time because reading was involved and she is mostly still a pre-reader. 

The kids collected a sticker at each station around the school and then they turned in their passports at the end for prizes that turned out to be coupons for free books or ice cream cones. It was fun, but we hadn't planned it into our evening activities, so it made things crazy.

After it was over, I dropped the kids at the house and then I ran over to the church for a viewing. The Beast's best friend's mother passed away and I couldn't possibly miss that (or the funeral today). After hugs and tears I ran back home to change again for our 9:00 pm basketball game. I even managed to snap a pic of Bossy (#42) while she was on the court.

It was a rough day, but my sweetie is home now and all is well. Life is just so much better for me when he is around. Maybe that's why we have been married for so long. Oh come on, it's February, weren't you expecting at least a little bit of mushy stuff?

1 comment:

  1. Oh, I love the mushy stuff. As always i don't know how you put so many activities into one day and they are all fun and I enjoy the learning ones. You do provide so many interesting things for your children to do. You are awesome! Blessings and hugs~
