
Jan 13, 2017

Her First Date

Can you believe my cute Crafty is 16 years old now? She's not really interested in driving and I haven't been able to convince her to go on a date...

...until now.  That's right! All it took was a trip to WalMart for the supplies to make the invitation and a $9 hoodie. Yes, she truly is that shy. Did I ever tell you that I paid Princess $10 to accept her first kiss?

But I digress...

So after our trip to WalMart, we came home and Drama Queen wrote a cute letter (she is really good at that sort of thing) that used all the candy bars to form the invitation. I helped Crafty tape them all on and then Scout did the delivery because Crafty was sitting in the chair with her hair half done for the dance concert.

Once the asking was finally over, I was thinking the fun part would be next as she planned what to do and what to wear, but buying a dress was incredibly painful. It was like the weddings all over again. Too many girls to help her choose and too many stipulations on what was modest, long enough, the right color, too formal, not formal enough... you get the idea.
Amazon Model

Finally, we came to some sort of momentary agreement so I quickly ordered the dress before she could change her mind and it's done. The girl in this pic is obviously not Crafty, but the model from the Amazon site. When we get the dress next week, I'll show you a pic of it on my own beautiful girl.

Now to plan the day activity...

1 comment:

  1. What a fun post it brought back sweet memories of my girls and their first dates. I love the dress by the way; awesome. Of course, I am sure you will detail the event. Sending hugs your way for this one!
