
Jan 2, 2017

Happy New Year!!

I'm sitting here in front of my computer at 2:15 AM trying to kill an hour before it is time to take Princess and The Frog to the airport. We had so much fun at our New Year's Eve party!

We decided to meet at 3:00 PM at the Towne Cinema in American Fork so we could see Trolls with our Pass of All Passes. There were 16 of us. Unfortunately, just before we got to the ticket booth, they announced that the movie had been sold out. Fortunately, the 2nd theater was playing Storks, a movie I had never heard of before, but it turned out to be a good change. I love a movie about the importance of families.

As we were driving back home from the movie, I remembered that I had 8 coupons at two different places for free ice cream cones so we split the group and everyone got ice cream. Back at the house, we cooked pizzas and put together a cracker tray. It was definitely a finger food night.

At 8:00 my sweetie and I took off for Ogden to pick up Prima Donna. I'm so glad she wanted to ring in the New Year with her family. Somewhere on the ride, Prima Donna was playing with her phone and discovered a meme that showed a scene from Sound of Music ...You are '16 going on '17...

This sparked a long conversation about the fact that she had never seen the movie version. When we arrived home I asked Drama Queen if she had a copy, but she also admitted to having never seen the movie. I was stunned to think that a movie that was one of my mother's very favorites was so unknown to my kids.

My sweetie ran to WalMart, but he was unable to buy a copy, so we ultimately bought it from Amazon and started it just after 11:00. At about 11:55, the timing was perfect, and we got the Sixteen Going On Seventeen song. Then we paused the movie and went out on the front porch to set off fireworks and celebrate.

Back at the movie, some of the kids drifted off to bed, but those of us who were diehards watched the entire movie and the documentary. It was after 4:00 AM when we finally turned off all the lights.

Happy New Year!!
Thank goodness we now have 1:00 church.


  1. We have been watching the Sound of Music here at our house, too. Mark had to watch it for Knowledge Bowl, and my boys love it. They prefer the songs Maria, or Do-Re-Mi! I love that movie!

  2. Wow! Even Emma has seen The Sound of Music! I LOVE that movie so much! I would've stayed up all night watching it with y'all!
