
Jan 16, 2017

Guest Blog: Our Honeymoon Cruise by Princess

I promised you a peek into Princess and The Frog's honeymoon cruise, and here it is. Princess has always been a fantastic journal keeper, so other than the names and moving the pictures around a bit, I'm not changing anything. They look so cute and happy, just like newlyweds should be!


Jan 2, 2017
We are on our cruise! We drove to the airport in the snow (mom and dad took us). Our flight was delayed nearly an hour while trying to unfreeze and various other things, but we got to the shuttle and then the ship. The Frog upgraded our room without telling me so we have a beautiful view. Food has been good and they had a fun opening ceremony. It’s been a really rocky ride and I’ve been dizzy and walking funny, but hopefully I get used to it and can relax more. Oh, and also I love my husband.

Jan 3, 2017
Just an at-sea day. We took naps, read, saw an ice show that was awesome and an Eagles (the band) tribute and then the Love and Marriage Show. I got escargot today just to say I did. We had a good day :)

Jan 4, 2017
We woke up early so we could have breakfast in the dining room which was kinda fun. I don’t think we will do it again. Then we went swimming and on the water slides; we had drinks on the lounge chairs by the pool and it was so cruisey. We went to Costa Maya today and bought flutes for all my family, a pair of maracas (for me) and a nativity (also for me). I had pasta, spinach dip and creme brulee for dinner. We went to an acrobatic show that was really fun. Oh, and I love the coconut macaroons and I’ve been eating them all day (and proceeded to eat them the rest of the cruise). We’re having a blast!

Jan 5, 2017
We woke up early today to get to Belize. The water was too shallow for the ship so we parked it a ways off and took boats to shore. Then we took a 2.5 hour boat ride down the Belize river (on a third boat). We saw iguanas, birds, mahogany trees, dolphins, a croc and manatees. (Supposedly, I’m not sure if they really were. It was just kinda ripples of water and little black spots that were supposed to be their noses.) The shopping was slim but we bought a spoon for Grandpa and another nativity. We came back and were so tired we took a nap until dinner. Then we went to a really bad comedian. Now we’re in our room early because we’re still tired from the day in the sun and there wasn’t anything interesting going on. (Yeah, Princess, we believe that... you are on your honeymoon after all! ;)

Jan 6, 2017
I can’t believe today is still the day we were in Cozumel, Mexico! We also went to the Quest performance which was quite interesting. We watched a movie in the pool (it was freezing!) but fun. For dinner I had roast beef, soup, and Baked Alaska. We bought toy crossbows (with suction cups for arrow points) and they took them away in security (since they were weapons) and said we would get them back once we left. (Isn't that crazy?!)

Jan 7, 2017
Today we went through a storm and it was bumpy! I went out of the room for lunch and could barely eat anything and have been in the room since. I was all dressed to go to dinner and then I threw up so The Frog went by himself and brought me a piece of pie. I’m just lying in bed watching tv and still feeling like crap.

That was the last full day of their trip and we picked them up at the airport on Sunday night. We are grateful that The Frog's parents treated them to such a memorable and fantastic trip.

1 comment:

  1. Wow, that was a fantastic honeymoon; I loved it! Too bad the last day she got a bit sick; but at least it wasn't the whole trip. Our one and only cruise; it took a day to adjust to the ship and feeling a bit wozzy. Hugs for them!
