
Jan 19, 2017

Crafty Scores Again!

Tonight was our Region Reflections Awards ceremony. It is the last step before winning the State Honors. Crafty had 3 possible wins, 3D Art, Film Production, and Dance Choreography. Sport was up for his 3D Art. Sadly, neither 3D Art entry placed tonight, so Sport is out of the competition. That only leaves Crafty.

She was a little disappointed when her Film Production received an Award of Merit. If you remember, she worked so hard on that one with Teach and Twiz. Now that the competition is over, perhaps we can share it with you. An Award of Merit is good, but it is like 2nd place, so it is also finished competing.

Her last possibility was in Dance Choreography and I don't think she felt like it would be a winner; boy, was she surprised! When it received an Award of Excellence, she didn't even think to turn around so I could see that beautiful smile on her face instead of her back pockets.

I'm not sure when State Competition will be held, or even where, but if she places there, then she will compete at Nationals. That is something that we have never done before. We have only had our kids place on the State Level 3 times and they were all in Theater which was never a nationally recognized category.

So proud of all of my kids, but especially Crafty today!

1 comment:

  1. Congratulations Crafty; this is awesome! I do admire the fun and awesome things your children participate in. Ways to go on this one! Hugs~
