
Dec 12, 2016

Whirlwind Weekend

Oh where to begin!

It's been quite a weekend for us. On Friday night I was just so tired. I took the kids for haircuts in the afternoon and then we came home and got ourselves ready to go see A Christmas Carol at the Hale. There were 13 of us including all the girl scouts. I didn't think to take pictures except for the selfie Bossy snapped of the girls just before my cute niece threw up all over the van. At least we were on the way home.

Then it was basketball practice for Scout and remember I still had to make that vest for Curly? I finished it up just after 3:00 AM. Saturday morning came way too soon. Scout's basketball game started at 10:00 and thankfully the adrenaline pumped and I was able to coach. The we chased up to Curly's game, then back to Baby Doll's. It's a good thing all I had to do was watch at Sport's game because the hooks I put on the vest for Curly were too small and I had to replace them all... before the recital at 5:00.

We made it, but barely. Drama Queen got all the girls ready with hair and makeup. She also did Curly's hair. We left for the recital at 4:30 and it was about 9:00 when we got home. Then it was a late dinner and get the kids showered and settled for bed. After cleaning up and helping Grandpa and my sweetie with the lessons they were preparing for church, I was exhausted. My sweetie offered to write the post for me so I could sleep, but it was still after 2:00.

Today meant choir practice at 9:00 and Crafty had an early meeting at 8:00. Then church with Sport speaking in Sacrament Meeting and the choir singing. Dare I admit I fell asleep in Sacrament Meeting?  My little nursery had 6 in it this morning and some of them seemed as tired as me. Still it went well considering my sweetie was in the Deacon's Quorum teaching a lesson there.

After church my sweetie sent me to nap for a couple of hours. I needed it so badly. I was starting to say the wrong words... At 5:30 we were back at the church, participating in the Stake Choir Concert. I just love the music of Christmas and singing it is always my favorite, especially with hundreds of other people who also love to sing. Teach and Twiz joined us and then had dinner with us afterward.

Finally it was homework and cleanup; nearly time for sleep. I wish I could say that I managed to get to bed before midnight, but 2:00 AM is fast approaching and tomorrow doesn't look much easier.

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