
Dec 18, 2016

Running, Running, Running...

When I was a kid, I used to love Saturdays. It meant we could have pretty much the whole day to do whatever we wanted to do. My sweetie says he had to work all day on Saturdays. It's been difficult for us to mesh those two activities, but we try our best.

This morning was my kind of day. Baby Doll's basketball game was at 8:00 AM with pictures scheduled right after that. We had just long enough to eat breakfast at the ward party, regroup, and run off to Scout's game. They lost in a heart-breaker by 2 points in the last 30 seconds of the game.  Then it was pictures for her team.

By the time we finished 4 basketball games and the ward party, it was just past noon. The girls had ballet rehearsal, so I ran to the store to pick up the ribs we are having at our family Christmas party tomorrow. It the meantime, my sweetie and the Drama Queen got the kids working and helping be Christmas elves so I could take a short nap after I made two trips to the Home Depot to bring home almost everything my sweetie needs to finish the downstairs bathroom for Grandpa next week. Curly was my helper and he only dropped one box of tile as we were loading the truck, so that's not too bad.

We finished the evening with a wedding reception for a close neighbor out in Saratoga Springs and another trip to the store to get everything I forgot. The party is at 5:00 tomorrow and I'm not sure how we are going to pull everything together by then, but somehow we always seem to manage.

Anybody have the phone number for those Christmas elves?

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