
Dec 15, 2016

Joseph Smith Memorial Building Tour

After the Christmas Carole Singalong at the Vivint Arena on Monday, we hoofed it the several blocks to Temple Square. We thought about hopping on Trax since we were in the free fare zone, but so did everyone else and they were so crowded we decided we would be much more comfortable walking.

Grandpa wanted to go straight to the Joseph Smith Memorial Building which is where he serves his mission.  The kids were pretty excited to see this beautiful building most of them had never been in before.

We saw where they have weddings and where they do family history work. I don't know why I didn't think to take a pic of the huge map of the world with lights showing all the temples! We saw the beautiful chapel that still has active wards every Sunday, and the stairs to the Legacy theater, but the 10th floor was my favorite.

On one side of the building they had huge windows that showed the mountains, but it was dark so they were difficult to see. The other side overlooked Temple Square and although the Christmas lights were amazing, they were nothing compared with the beauty of the Temple itself.

It's easy to see why Grandpa loves serving in this beautiful slice of Utah history a couple of days a week.

1 comment:

  1. I really love the Joseph Smith Memorial Building. The Restaurants are really good. It's so fun to see the temple from there. We have had two receptions there about 17 years ago. It is such a fun place to visit. I am happy Grandpa get's to work there. Hugs~
