
Dec 29, 2016

A New Diary of a Wimpy Zombie Book

Back in October, this guy named MC Steve asked me if we would be willing to review his book, Diary of a Wimpy Zombie. It was a Halloween tale and my kids loved it! Then a couple of weeks ago, he emailed me again and asked if we wanted to review his third Diary of a Wimpy Zombie book. My kids were all over it and we managed to read the book quickly. I wrote the Amazon review, but I haven't had a chance to write one for my blogging friends.

Until today.

About the time we finished up the book, Curly got an assignment from school to write a letter to an author that he could share with the class. If he got a response back from the author, he got extra credit. We decided it would be fun to contact MC Steve.

Curly wrote him a sweet (and short!) email:

Dear MC Steve,

First of all, thanks for the new Diary of a Wimpy Zombie Christmas book. We started it on Sunday. You are a really good author.

For school I could write a letter to an author for a writing project and I chose you. Can you send me an email back? I will share it with my whole 3rd grade class.

PS. I kind of want to read the first book.

Less than 24 hours later, Curly received a response from MC Steve:

I'm really happy to hear from you. It really is amazing to know that you enjoy my stories! I wasn't so confident in publishing my books at first, but I gave it a shot and am really happy with the results! I hope to continue the series of Wimpy Zombie, so if there's any specific character you want to see more of, let me know and I'll think about it. :)

Also, what did you like about Book 3? I appreciate all kinds of feedback, positive or negative. Thank you!


A couple of days later a package arrived in the mail. It was addressed to me and I just assumed it was a Christmas gift. Instead I pulled out a copy of the first Diary of a Wimpy Zombie book! Curly was so excited! Not only does Steve write great stories, but he is a genuinely nice guy.

Thanks, Steve. :)

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