
Nov 1, 2016

Happy Halloween!

On Sunday afternoon, we had almost everyone here to carve pumpkins with us. My sweetie had grown about 18 in the garden and if we doubled up some of the younger ones, we had enough for everyone to help (except for me, I'm not into the icky squishy gooey stuff).

We worked in shifts with big people helping little people. It is so fun to watch my kids work and play together. By the time we were finished and the Dog Walker had them all lit up outside, the rain started coming down, so I didn't even get a  picture for you. Maybe we can convince Bossy to put up the one of her kids.

Tonight we had fun trick-or-treating to all the neighbors. My kids are tireless when free candy is involved! I finally made them quit just after 9:00 and they were anxious to go home and count their booty. My sweetie made us yummy soup that we served in pumpkin bread bowls and the kids drank orange soda and carbonated apple juice from Drama Queen.

The Dog Walker sat on the front porch and encouraged kids to try out his corn maze on their way to the front door for a candy bar. He said we had "lots" of kids come by. As the evening was wrapping up and the kids were off to bed, Drama Queen asked me if tomorrow we could start our Christmas celebrations. She just looked so hopeful,

what could I say?

Happy Halloween!

1 comment:

  1. That does sound like the perfect Halloween. It was amazing~ Blessings for all!
