
Nov 26, 2016

Black Friday

Today is Black Friday and it is also post #2000 for Twelve Makes A Dozen. That's a bunch of my life I have shared with you!

My girls decided to go shopping about midnight last night, but I didn't go with them. I was still busy piecing a quilt for Bossy. We decided a couple of months ago that we were going to make quilts on Thanksgiving weekend for all the coming babies. Then Bossy and Princess both lost their babies and so did my excitement about making the quilt tops. Fortunately, I managed to get my act together.

Remember a couple of years ago when Beauty and The Beast were planning to get married? We made them two quilts at their wedding shower and at the time I promised Bossy that we would try to make one for her and Gamer when they were sealed in the temple. It never happened.

Until today.

I was up late finishing the top, so I didn't get it on the frames until nearly 1:00. We had invited our girl scout troop to help and some of the girls were here for a couple of hours tying and talking. Most of my kids were here at one time or another and they each put a knot or so in Bossy's quilt. She is so happy to have a sibling quilt. The kids were young when she was married 12 years ago, so we never made one for her; Grandma did.

We also had a chance to make one for Teach and Twiz's baby girl that is due in February. I love the way it turned out! What do you think?


  1. The quilts look warm and lovely! I think it is awesome that you did this project and had a group to tie it. Having the siblings work on it too; makes it very special. You do some wonderful things for your children.
    Blessings and hugs~

  2. It is so special that you can make these quilts together! Bossy looks thrilled (hehe). Thank you for sharing 2000 posts with us!
