
Nov 13, 2016

6 Characters in Search of an Author

Prima Donna's Plie
That was by far the most disturbing play I have ever seen!

Whew, now that we got that out of the way, we can talk about how amazing my girls are as actors. Prima Donna did an excellent job playing a Weber State student. She has always been a terrific actress and this show makes her even more versatile.

Then there is Baby Doll.

If I had known what this play was about, I don't think I would have let her be in it, just because it has some pretty dark themes, but she was amazing! She doesn't speak at all which makes it a bit easier, but she still has to follow cues and be on the stage for almost the entire play.

Near the end her character drowns in a pool of water which is really just a large circle on the floor. I didn't get any pics of them carrying her off stage "dead" because quite frankly, I was a little upset at that very moment. (And speaking of pictures, they didn't have a program and no one announced that I couldn't take pictures, so I just did!)

We chose the perfect seats!

Staring into the pool just before "drowning"

She has 3 more performances next week since she is double cast and Prima Donna has 6. The travel has made this experience difficult, but it will certainly be memorable for her. After watching her "die," I think it will be pretty memorable for me too.

Seems like I've done this before...

1 comment:

  1. Wow, that looks like an unusual play~ I love that your daughters could do this together; what a memory to have. So happy you were able to get photos of it. Life will be easier when you don't have to travel. Blessings and hugs for all~
