
Oct 18, 2016

Stop the Presses! Big News!!

I was going to tell you all about our Sunday activities, but then Princess and The Frog made their big announcement and I just couldn't wait to share it with all my blog friends.

You guessed it... they are expecting a little one in May!

It's a honeymoon baby; just what they wanted. We have known for a while now, but Princess made me promise not to tell on media until she had a chance to announce it herself on Facebook. She is currently at the 10-week mark, so almost out of the first trimester.

She has been pretty sick and she told me today that she lost 3 pounds since her last appointment. When we saw her yesterday she was carrying her own little bag of salted snacks to keep her stomach happy. Apparently traveling makes it worse.

I will keep you posted on her progress. You know how much I love babies!


  1. Oh how exciting! Congratulations to them! How far apart will their baby and Teach and Twiz's baby be? Fun to get two more grandkids next year!!

  2. Teach is due in February and Princess is due in May, so they will be very close. :)

  3. What fun!!! It's fun to see your family keep growing!

  4. I love the sweet photo of your Princess. I really loved the cute pumpkin display of Mom, Dad and baby. Hugs for all~

  5. Congratulations Princess & The Frog!!! And to all the family! Great news! I love babies too :)
