
Oct 23, 2016

Football and Basketball

Today was the last day of the regular season football games. Sport's team and Curly's team both beat their opponents without any nail-biting on my part. Curly even recovered 3 fumbles from the poor little team they were playing. Honestly, I don't think they even knew what hit them.

Sport played an excellent game as well. That puts his team in 2nd place with only one loss for the season. Curly's undefeated team is in first place; different age groups, of course.

Tonight I finished up the grape jelly and 7 1/2 quarts of tomato sauce. Then my sweetie and I took off for the movies. It's not often we have a date like that, but I really wanted to see Spirit of the Game (Mormon Yankees). It was awesome!

I don't think it will be in the theaters much longer, but if you get a chance, I highly recommend it, especially if you love basketball like I do. Such an amazing group of men and it validates my church calling as the sports director for the women. Sports can bring people together and open doors to different ideas and viewpoints.

It's nice to know that my Tuesday and Thursday nights at volleyball are important to more than just me.

1 comment:

  1. I really want to see that movie; but doubt I will get a chance. I love sports and used to enjoy volleyball, softball and basketball. I was best at basketball and can still to a pretty good lay up at least I tried at our family reunion in June. My grandchildren were amazed I could still do it. Remember, I am old. I love that you keep playing.
    We have a grandson's in Idaho who has a play off game on Thursday night; which is on the internet. Then Friday our other grandson from Heber has a play off game at Alta. We plan to attend if we can. As senior missionaries we can do a few things like this.
    Blessings and hugs for this one~
