
Sep 2, 2016

It's a Parade!

Sleep got the better of me last night and I slipped away from the computer without updating you on our doings. My sweetie just got home from Boston and we are getting ready to settle in for the night. Curly is getting baptized tomorrow morning at 10:00 and we are having a family breakfast at 8:30.

I was planning to make a delicious sausage, hashbrown, cheesy casserole, but this week Baby Doll has been having tummy issues and the doctor thought maybe we should eliminate dairy for a week and see if that would help.

So Drama Queen and I went to Sam's Club and bought three large boxes of Eggo waffles. Honestly, the kids will probably like them better anyway. And of course we have some other yummy treats too.

It's been a rather stressful day. Prima Donna had callbacks for a play where she was ultimately cast as a member of the ensemble. She also managed to get a rather large part for Baby Doll as long as we are willing to run her back and forth to Ogden...

The middle school had a Fun Run today that ran right down our street! That was quite a site. Almost 1500 kids and faculty members (including Drama Queen!) all dressed in neon green t-shirts. I snapped a few pics for you, but honestly, it just doesn't do it justice. The little kids and I sat in the front yard and watched the "parade" until the last group had passed by.

They didn't throw any candy, but a couple of the kids threw their t-shirts up in the trees and we spent half an hour retrieving them. Scout, Sport, and Baby Doll thought they made a great fashion statement.

1 comment:

  1. Amazing all the fun you can throw into a day! The parade sounded fun and everything else too. Hugs!
