
Sep 30, 2016

Blast from the Past - Sugar Cookies 2004

One of our favorite holiday traditions is making sugar cookies. The biggest problem with that is that I love them! I think I could eat an entire batch by myself.

The Dog Walker found these fun pictures of himself and Princess. Now she is all grown up and married and he has gotten a bit bigger too.

Tomorrow she is coming over to help me make cupcakes and get ready for Baby Doll's birthday party. Baby Doll doesn't actually turn 6 until next Friday, but they went off track last week and we worried that if we had too much time between the invitation and the party that kids would forget. As it turns out, I think nearly everyone she invited is planning to come.

We are planning some cute pink piggy cupcakes. Bossy helped me make 24 gift bags and pieces to assemble for masks.

Remember when Scout turned 6? We did a farm animals party for her. Well, this one is supposed to be similar. Drama Queen is even planning to be "Old MacDonald" for me.

But the sugar cookies will have to wait for a few weeks for Halloween.

Or maybe I can just make a batch for myself...

1 comment:

  1. Yes, I think you should make a batch of cookies for just yourself. I think the pink cupcakes are adorable and the plan for the party. You always do such fun things. Blessings and hugs~
