
Jul 3, 2016

Watching the Parade

Crafty in the blond braid
Last night we went to the parade in Riverton. Crafty has been playing her clarinet in the SLCC Spirit Band and we wanted to support her. We have not typically gone to this particular parade because it is always so close to the 4th, but this year we thought it would be fun.

There were so many people!!
The kids loved the tiny fire engine!

We had a difficult time even finding a place to sit. One group of people sent us away from their area even though there was plenty of space. We eventually located Bean Dip and his mom and they made room for us. Fajita was quite anxious to see him.
Skylar and Fajita

I don't think I told you that we have had some major family drama here. Fajita went missing on June 16 and she was finally located and brought home on Thursday, July 1.

If you live in our area, or spend time on Facebook, you may have seen the missing person flier that was up all over our city. When she finally came home, she brought a guy with her. His name is Skylar, but we will probably have to give him a more descriptive blog name since it looks like he may be with us for quite a while. Both are 17 now and in an official relationship.

It's crazy how life just keeps on changing.

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