
Jul 9, 2016

Staycation Saturday

You know, the interesting thing about a staycation is that when my sweetie gets annoyed with the kids, he can still make us all come to the house and weed the garden until the kids are grateful again.

Here's what happened.

We had the kids signed up to do a 10:00 Lowe's class, but they grumbled and didn't want to get ready. So while I was waiting for them, I looked up the times for football equipment pickup and they only went until 10:30. We had to make a choice; have the Dog Walker take the boys to get their equipment while we took the girls to Lowe's, or...

Yeah, you guessed it. The boys started complaining so right after we got equipment, my sweetie made them all work in the garden for an hour and a half until they were suitably humbled. Not that a Saturday morning in the garden is unusual, it's just sort of different during vacation.

But then we did some fun things. I took the kids to the library so Crafty could take her final for her fitness class and then we all loaded up in the car and drove up into the mountains. I couldn't believe how many people were also taking advantage of the beautiful drive!

We took Guardsman Pass into Park City and then stopped at a grocery store for sandwich makings before driving through Heber and finally into Orem. Then we made our way to the UVU campus where the Orem Owlz Rookie baseball team had a game tonight.

We had never seen them play before, but with our Pass of All Passes, all we had to pay for was $5 to park. We only stayed for 5 innings. The kids were restless and tired and Curly has a talk to prepare for church tomorrow. That's another weird thing about staycation. We are still close enough to attend our own ward and take care of our callings in the church.

But I'm pretty sure the kids won't do any complaining tomorrow at least not loud enough for my sweetie to hear.

1 comment:

  1. Wow, I think you had a great day of activities. I love that when they grumbled they had to work in the garden; perfect~ I wish at times were would have thought of that idea. I loved it! Hugs~
