
Jul 18, 2016

All Uphill

Obstacle Course
Oh boy, I'm so tired!

The Dog Walker was kind enough to write a post for me last night, and I'm sorry that it was a little negative. I try really hard to give you something fun and uplifting to start your day or perhaps check in on during your lunch break, but honestly, my life has plenty of trials just like all of you do, I'm sure.

Curly loved the Archery station, but wanted more time.
Saturday was our second day of Cub Camp and in many ways harder than the first day, mostly because the camp was all "uphill." Unfortunately I've gotten more out of shape over the past year. The meds the doctor put me on for the arthritis in my back helped me gain 20 lbs and I've not had much success losing it (I haven't tried that hard either). Crafty says we are starting a diet tomorrow...

Curves has been my exercise place, but I can't manage to get there with my crazy schedule and although I love our once a week basketball games, they are just that, once a week. So needless to say, the 1-mile uphill hike (ok, half of it was downhill), was a bit taxing.

Nice comfy back for a pillow
It was our second to last station and when we were finished, we headed over to NOVA. I was so tired I leaned my head against Sport's back and mostly took a 20-minute power nap. Thankfully, we got home and rather than go to the waterpark like the kids were hoping for, my sweetie and I went school shopping and got that task out of the way.

This is going to be a rough week. We are taking Baby Doll and Scout to Girl Scout camp in the morning and they won't be back until Saturday which is also Princess's bridal shower. I'm sure we will be ready somehow.

I hope.

1 comment:

  1. I do not know how you participate in all of these activities. I am much older but seriously, I couldn't do what you do at your age. You are amazing. Do get rest though because I worry about your activity schedule. Blessings and hugs~
