
Jun 30, 2016

Tarzan at Tuacahn

Yesterday was the day my Girl Scouts have all been waiting for... we made our annual trip to St. George to see an outdoor play at Tuacahn. We took off about 1:30 with 4 vehicles. This year several of the families opted to join us, so we ended up with 26 in our group.

But that's counting Prima Donna who decided after we left that she would make the 4-hour drive by herself in her little old Corolla. This turned out to be a bad idea. But I'm getting ahead of myself.

We arrived about 6:00 and that gave the kids about an hour to play in the pool before my sweetie and Gamer brought back pizza and it was time to get ready to go to the performance. We were seeing Tarzan and I was excited to see how they would portray the beasts.

Some of our party stayed at the hotel while 20 of us drove out to Tuacahn Amphitheater. Of course all the characters were human and they wore long hair coats and pants. The men had open chests and the women wore black bras. They were surprisingly realistic, especially the one that played the father of the entire gorilla family.

They did plenty of jumping and flipping and swinging through the trees. It wasn't my favorite show we have seen there, but it was certainly fun to watch. We got back to the hotel just before midnight and sent everyone off to their rooms.

This morning some opted to get up and go swimming and some opted to sleep in. Either one was great with me. We checked out of the hotel just before 11:00 and got on the road. Prima Donna had Drama Queen, Baby Doll, and Scout with her.

Just outside of Scipio, her car broke down. We caught up to them about 20 minutes later and babied it along off the freeway and halfway to Nephi on the back roads. Then the engine actually seized and I'm afraid she is now without wheels. Thankfully, we had enough room in our van to put them in with us except for Baby Doll who climbed in with Little Sis and her family.

We drove to an automotive shop in Nephi and they agreed to pick it up, but I think it will likely be headed to the junkyard. Prima Donna is devastated, of course. She is supposed to take possession of her apartment this weekend and it will be much harder without a car for her to move, but I'm sure we will figure it out somehow.

1 comment:

  1. You do the best of adventures with your assignments; your amazing. This looked like such a fun one. Sorry, about the dar; that is the pits. Blessings that it will all turn out good for your dear daughter.
