
Jun 22, 2016

New Jersey

Today was mostly a travel day. We left Connecticut before 10:00 this morning and drove pretty much straight through with a couple of stops for gas and goodies. I thought it was so funny that in New England you can actually buy a lobster roll at McDonald's. I'm sure it's not much like the one we had in Maine.

We had to pick up Grandpa at the airport in Philadelphia at 5:15 and we were a little worried about traffic as we whizzed by New York. As it turned out, we did see some traffic, but nothing like we expected. We even got into town early enough to check into our hotel before we drove across the bridge to Pennsylvania.

We were finally somewhere that I recognized from our last trip with the kids a few years back. The bridge and the boats were still just as stunning as they were the first time I saw them. We made our way back to the hotel and we have just been relaxing the evening away. I washed all of our dirty clothes and rearranged all the bags. It's so weird not to have a bunch of stuff to do.

I spent 20 minutes on the phone with the kids, settling misc. arguments and soothing feelings, reminding about homework and other commitments. It's hard to be away. I still want to be so involved in what the kids are doing. For a while my sweetie was thinking maybe it was just time to go home, but I convinced him that everything would be ok without us.

Some people have to parent long-distance all the time. For us it is only 10 days.

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