
Jun 8, 2016

Emergency Surgery

First off, I want to apologize to Sport for teasing him a little yesterday. Jay actually restored all my pics, so there was no harm done, and my poor boy was only worse when he got up this morning. I had just gotten back from Curves and when he updated me on his condition, I told him to find his shoes and we were leaving for the emergency room.

Twenty minutes later we were checking in. Thank goodness it was pretty quiet because within minutes we saw the doctor and he immediately started prepping for an ultrasound and ultimately an emergency surgery. Sport was beside himself with anxiety, but a little morphine helped.

As soon as I called my sweetie, even though he had visitors from back east, he excused himself and ran to his car. Sport wanted to see him before he entered the operating room and I wasn't sure if he would be able to get across the valley that quickly. We were actually waiting in the hall to speak with the anesthesiologist when I got the call that he was in the parking lot.

Does my hair look good?
He tried to get to us, but got hung up in the waiting room with no escort to bring him back. That's when our awesome anesthesiologist said, "What's his name?" and then he practically jogged out and brought my sweetie back. Sport was so relieved. I'm not sure why it was that important to him, but after a 30-second conversation (and a bit of calming medication), he was ready.

About an hour and half later he was resting comfortably in recovery and even though he had just been sliced open, for the most part, he was feeling much better. Thank goodness for amazing doctors and nurses and their willingness to bump him to the head of the line.

We would sure appreciate any prayers for his steady and certain recovery.


  1. Keeping him in my prayers. What kind of surgery did he have? So glad he got to see his dad!

  2. Oh my gosh, I will be sending prayers for him. I am super happy your hubby got there before he went up. What a scary life you sometimes lead. What kind of surgery did he have? Sending prayers, love and hugs for all!
