
May 18, 2016

Prima Donna's Choir Concert

I just read my post from yesterday and was totally embarrassed by all the typos. So sorry, I was incredibly tired last night, and I kept nodding off every time I read through to proofread it (hope you don't do that when you read it...), that I finally posted it and went to bed.

That was probably a bad idea.
Prima Donna is on the back row, second from the right.

Last night was pretty crazy. I went to Baby Doll's baseball game and then dropped Scout at dance on my way to Prima Donna's Choir Concert. My sweetie drove directly from work and met me there. Can I just say that I much prefer choir concerts to band concerts?

I hesitate to tell you that I fell asleep through the entire set of numbers done by the Madrigals this year which is kind of amazing because usually their stuff is so fun and light-hearted, but it wasn't this time. Prima Donna is in the A Capella choir and she has really loved learning how to sing even better than she did before. It's funny, she has always been a soprano, but her teacher put her in as a 2nd Alto and it has expanded her range so much!

My favorite number was the Bohemian Rhapsody, yeah, that one, by Queen. They even had a couple of faculty members who stepped up and played the drums and guitar. So much fun! I love it when the kids think teachers and administration are cool.

The girls also did a number dedicated to Aretha Franklin, and then for the final number they brought all of the choirs on stage (I tried to sort of count and I guesstimated about150 kids) and they sang a version of Can You Feel the Love Tonight from the Lion King that was arranged by one of the students. The song was done without the piano and it was beautiful.

I'm always amazed at the level of talent we see in the kids today. It's a huge step up from the Chamber Choir we thought was so awesome when I was in high school.

1 comment:

  1. I love high school choir concerts and the kids now days really are exceptional. It's always such a treat to watch your children perform.
    Hugs for her!
