
May 31, 2016

Memorial Day Monday

Watching them set up the field.
Our party weekend started early this morning when my sweetie took the boys out and they put up flags for all the neighbors. It's a fundraiser done by the scouts to help earn money for camp and awards. He did a little garden work and by 10:45, we were headed off for the Bees game.

I love Mondays because they sell tickets including a hot dog for $5 each! You have to buy at least 4, but it is such a fun way to get our family into a game for a reasonable price. We had lots of fun even though the Bees lost 8 - 3. We even got there early enough to see them setting up the field. I've never been to an afternoon game before and the sun was pretty hot until our seats got shady.

After the game we drove to KFC and fed everyone before stopping at the cemetery in West Valley. My sweetie has an older half brother buried there. He was killed on his mission before my sweetie was born. I read a baseball book out loud to the kids while we were driving and it was totally silent in my van. No, really; I'm not kidding. I love reading to the kids.

As a final moment of revelry, we took the kids to the Pass of All Passes movie theater and we saw Miracles From Heaven. It was a little sad, but one of those feel-good movies that helps us remember the importance of faith. My sweetie recalled that we had not actually eaten dinner, so we stopped at the In-N-Out and used our free burger coupons from the library. We fed 10 of us for less than $10.

Getting tired.
I finished up the last of the book for the kids and even though they were a little disappointed with the ending, it was a good read. My older kids are finished with school this week and Prima Donna graduates from Bingham on Thursday. It was so nice to pause and just make this weekend all about family.

But I said that yesterday, didn't I?

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