
May 6, 2016

It's Graduation Day!

So many good things today! Where to begin?

The morning started bright and early with us heading for the Maverik Center to watch Prima Donna and Beauty graduate from Salt Lake Community College. Sadly, The Beast was in Nashville on a business trip and unable to be with us, but Beauty's parents and grandma were there as well as me, my sweetie, Drama Queen, and Grandpa.

Part of the ceremony was terribly boring as most graduations are, but it was so worth it watching our girls cross the stage to receive their diplomas from the President. My pictures are not very good, so I apologize for that in advance. It is always difficult to find people when they are all dressed alike and coming from both sides of the stage. We almost missed Beauty. Of course we heard her name and shortly after that they started putting up the recipients on the big screen.

Prima Donna is so tall with that long shock of red hair that she is fairly easy to spot. She also managed to knock her mortarboard off as she shook the president's hand.

After nearly 4 hours, they finally had them all congratulated and graduated and they shot the confetti. We grabbed a couple of quick pics of the girls before Beauty was whisked off for lunch with her family. Then the five of us went out for Chinese food.

The rain fell all afternoon, canceling the ballgames and making it so we could attend Prima Donna's Musical Theater performance tonight, but I will wait and share that with you tomorrow.


  1. Congrats to both of your daughers,you mentioned you have 20 years more to go on graduation is it because your youngest cannot go to kindergarten until she is 6 and 1/2???????? You and your husband are vigilant on your kids getting their high school degrees and associate degrees in the same year saving lots of dough for the last 2 years of college and I note from your blog many of your kids get advanced degrees, must be because Utah has the highest high school degrees in all of the USA they promote the running start program, here in Washington it is the same way, so kids can actually get their high school and aa degrees, KUDOS TO YOU GIRLS AND BEST OF LUCK IN THE FUTURE!

  2. Baby Doll will turn 6 shortly after she begins kindergarten in the fall. I figure the kids will just start working on graduate degrees. We may be having graduations for the next 30 years. And factoring in the grandchildren, I'm starting to think this is an eternal proposition. I hope so anyway. Lifelong learning is so important!

  3. Graduate degrees here in Washington state are not inexpensive whatsoever, that is when a lot of young people get jammed up money wise, so the state universities have programs to go and pay and pay little by little and to attain scholarships! A bs degree is equivalent here to a high school degree one needs a masters to teach here and is expected to get their 5th year of school and work on the Masters while teaching, high standards but many do it, they just don't have a family that can help them out..Our only was nearly 6 when she started kindergarten but managed to graduate on the running start with her high school diploma (honors) and her AA degree (honors) tooo to save a lot of money, she got a huge scholarship but worked for the the then president of her state university for about $19.00 an hour a decent living arrangement she ate with the faculty and has usage of a Toyota truck that worked, she also got free health insurance and many blessings from her faculty advisors and the president too, she managed to get her 2 degrees (honors) and her 3 minors and enjoy her college experience, she doesn't have a Masters as her degrees and in business and finanace bode her well..She misses the university, the discipline and she can attend her alma mater free anytime she would want to..Most kids here do not know that each public university has about 5 jobs at the schools that pay that much and treat their students very well, but my daughter did her due diligence and got in and got the job and flourished she did not want to go and get a Masters degree as she wanted to work and travel and that she does..You are doing a great job of instilling the love of learning it is a LIFE TIME PROCESS, ALSO Happy Mothers day to you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  4. I meant to say finance degree and business administration, she did very well and still does, miss the pacific northwest a lot but comes home all the time or we fly to see her in Seattle and all over the west coast as her work schedule predicts...We just don't understand people who don't teach their kids that learning is an entire lifetime process and that it can only improve ones life and lead to many happy endings......happy moms day to a wonderful Mom and life long learning advocate! I pray for more Mothers like you are each and everyday!
