
Apr 15, 2016

Quiet Thursday

It was a rainy, relatively quiet Thursday. I got a bunch of paperwork done in the morning and then ran some errands including a new haircut. Not much different, I guess, but I can feel it. Drama Queen and Baby Doll also got theirs cut.

My sweetie came home early and arranged a pizza party with all the kids to celebrate the Dog Walker's new job at Wal-Mart. It will go well with his schooling because he will only work in the evenings helping unload the trucks and then I think he can go full time in the summer if he wants to. It will be nice for him to take a break from school.

After pizza, the Dog Walker and I took 8 kids under the age of 12 to the library for their Craft Night. They made cards and bracelets that were spring-themed. Prima Donna and Crafty joined us toward the end. I love that our library does so many fun family-oriented free activities.

Drama Queen took over the planning of my girl scout meeting tomorrow so I could get some rest. The Dog Walker has about 2 weeks of classes left and we have been keeping some pretty late hours trying to get all the homework done.

We also picked up Prima Donna's graduation stuff for high school so we can start stuffing her envelopes and getting the good news out to the family. We are definitely coming up on a busy weekend.

1 comment:

  1. Always a full day for you but you seem to always find some fun things to do during the day.
    Blessings and hugs~
